Our Mission


Sustainability is our lifeblood, and our roots in Northern California run deep. Our mission statement–Planting Trees for Future Generations–comes from our vision to plant the ‘seeds’ for a brighter future for the cannabis industry. We are committed to cultivating our cannabis responsibly and minimizing our impact on the environment.

At Napa Valley Fumé, we are dedicated to the responsible cultivation efforts of our grows, and Eric Sklar, Co-Founder + CEO, has been an environmental advocate in California for decades.

“I feel deeply that our first goal in life should be to leave the planet we have been gifted in a better condition when we depart it, then when we arrived. This means living with a light footprint, growing sustainably, and repairing the damage we have already done. Planting trees for future generations is just one more way to do our duty to our children and their children.”

Napa Valley Fumé is deeply connected to the land and all who call the Golden State home. Our love of trees extends beyond cannabis, and our hearts ache at the devastation that wildfires have wreaked on our forests and the communities across California.

We are dedicated to giving back to our communities and having a world-positive impact. We have proudly partnered with One Tree Planted, to help with the reforestation efforts in California, and The Last Prisoner Project, to make sure that every cannabis prisoner is released, welcomed home, and supported by their community.



Planting Trees for Future Generations


Our Team


Eric Sklar

Co-Founder + CEO


Ian Hackett



Our Brands


fumé was designed for the informed cannabis consumer who seeks out extraordinary strains, understands that terpenes are key players in their experience, and has a passion for sustainability and giving back to the cannabis community.

@enjoyfume | enjoyfume.com


LAKE GRADE offers a class of gorgeous, full-term flower that is grown responsibly under the big, blue skies of Lake County, CA.

@lakegrade | lakegrade.com